Brand Story


the story of "canoco" 





その名は “canoco”



Cosaien Taneda Kyoto, established in 1837 as Kyo-kanoko shibori tie-dying stocker and supplier, has been operating since then to create and provide the best quality Kyo-kanoko shibori products. 

Kanoko shibori is an important women’s fashion statement for elegance and beauty. In Kyoto, it has traditionally been used as the material for hair accessories to adorn nihongami, Japanese traditional hairstyle typically worn by Maiko, young apprentice Geiko.  While for traditional performing arts including Kabuki theatre, it stands as an iconic symbol to evoke a charm of Japanese ladies. 

Kanoko tie-dying requires the entire handcrafting processes from the beginning to the end, which is the reason why each finished item has a unique nuance in tone and pattern.

As a devoted Kyo-kanoko shibori producer and supplier over the past 180 years, we now consider it important to return to the origin when we founded our trade to freshly make our start for re-launching the art of tie-dying with a scope of connecting the past with the future. 

A new series of Kanoko shibori fashion accessories were born out of such an aspiration and endeavor; our new brand named as ‘Canoco’ is created under our design motto of ‘Canoco Cute Fashion For Worldwide Women’.

Greeting to our customers 




手作業の集大成である「絞彩苑」、「canoco」は、京都に住む職人さんの絆の証でもあります。 高度に分業化された絞りは、携わるどの段階でも緊張感がぬけないものなのです。


 六代目 当主 種田靖夫

Every day is the first day for us to create good Kyo-kanoko shibori products. Our aim is to develop and promote our brand ‘Cosaien’, to hand over the tradition of Kyo-kanoko tie-dying techniques, and to further launch our brand to the wider international clientele. 

Our products are meant to be part of details to ‘enrich life’ for those who apply.

A handcrafted Cosaien product series branded as ‘Canoco’ is the outcome of Kyoto artisans’ inter-active ties. Tie-dying, which consists of a series of divided labor in the making, requires a high-level of specialized artisanship and an intense dedication of each, with which the end product would turn out as intended.

We hope that our ‘Canoco’ series, achieved through numerous hands and minds of our artisans, will find supportive fans, which will lead us to continue our efforts to aim for the better. 

Yasuo Taneda, 6th head of the Cosaien Taneda


All items are produced and sold by Taneda Co.Ltd.

製造販売元 株式会社種田
〒600-8066 京都市下京区柳馬場五条上る柏屋町347